Scholarships for
High School Seniors
Scholarships for CollegeSophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Scholarships for
High School Seniors
Albert "Pete" Gagne Memorial Scholarship
A $1,6500 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Gagne earned the adulation of many in Kennebec County as he and his beloved wife Joyce selflessly donated much time and money to many worthy causes. Pete was the President of Gagne & Son Concrete Blocks.
Must be a graduating senior of Messalonskee or Cony High Schools, or the son or daughter of Gagne & Son Concrete Blocks employee, or the son or daughter of a member of Le Club Calumet
Please email: with any questions.
Amy Buxton Nursing Scholarship
A $5,000 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
This nursing scholarship is in memory of Amy Buxton who passed away at a young age soon after graduating from the University of Maine Nursing School. Amy was a caring and compassionate person who advocated for the underdog, whether two legged or four legged. This $5,000 scholarship in her honor is given to a student with empathy, ability, and character.
Selection of recipient is made by the Scholarship Committee of Cony High School.
Must be an individual graduating from Cony High School.
Must be furthering his/her education in nursing at an accredited college, technical school, or university located in the state of Maine.
Must have at least a B average or equivalent in high school.
No application required
Arnold Selwood Scholarship
One scholarship of $500 was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
For decades, Mr. Selwood was the Superintendent of Schools for Augusta.
Selection of recipient is made by the Scholarship Committee of Cony High School.
No Application Required
Armand Beaulieu Memorial Scholarship
A $900 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Beaulieu was a respected Augusta businessman and musician. He was the proprietor of The Melody Shop in Augusta and taught music to hundreds of people young and old. He was also involved with the Cecilia Club and directed many popular minstrel shows at Le Club Calumet.
Must be a graduating senior residing in area codes 04300 to 04399 or a son or daughter of a member of Le Club Calumet who plans to major in a Fine Arts curriculum, and be a resident of the State of Maine
Please email: with any questions.
Capital Area Technical Center Scholarship
One scholarship for $600 was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The CATC programs help to develop valuable work skills for hundreds of area students.
Selection of recipient is made by CATC Faculty Scholarship Committee to a graduating senior.
No Application Required
Chris Bowie Memorial Scholarship
Two $650 scholarships were awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship will be based on two factors: 1) financial need and 2) athletic achievement/improvement.
The recipient must be a graduating high school senior from Cony, Gardiner, or Hall-Dale high schools – or a blood relative of Chris Bowie.
Please email: with any questions.
Conrad and Rose Castonguay Award
The last award was $200.
The special award is presented annually to the Cony High School French Department to be used by the French Department to promote the French language and its culture by any means the department sees fit.
Gerald & Verna Rancourt Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Gerald Rancourt was a Calumet Club member for over forty years. He served as its Treasurer for at least five years. After his retirement, he worked at the Club in various capacities including being chairman of Bingo. For many years he enjoyed working the Bingo games. This scholarship is funded by Le Club Calumet and supported by the Rancourt family, Verna, Kathy and Jeff.
Member of the Cony High School graduating class who has demonstrated service to school, church and/or community.
Must also have a “B” average or better and be accepted to a post secondary education school.
Please email: with any questions.
Grace M. Whitten Memorial Scholarship
Eight scholarships between $750 and $3,320 were awarded, totaling $14,200, for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship will be based on two factors: 1) financial need; and 2) well defined goals that comprise a civic minded individual, including being in the upper half of his/her graduating class with no significant reprimands for inappropriate conduct.
Applicant must be a member of the graduating class of Cony High School and must be accepted for admission to an accredited post-secondary school. Additionally, the applicant must also be able to articulate his/her life goals.
Please email: with any questions.
Henry, Joseph & Lea Albert Scholarship
Henry, Joseph & Lea Albert Scholarship
Two $2,500 scholarships were awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
This scholarship was started by Henry Albert in the early 1990s to pay tribute to his parents, Joseph and Lea, who lived and raised their many children not too far from the Sand Hill area/community of Augusta. Henry was grateful for all his parents taught him, and how they prepared him for all of the challenges that life brings. The scholarship was originally established as a way to honor and assist one or more local students in that community, who were also graduates of schools tied to St. Michael’s Parish, and were attending local universities or trade schools.
Must be a member of the graduating class of a local high school and reside in a city or town with an 043** zip code at the time of application.
Must have demonstrated financial need and community service (volunteerism, church, etc.).
Must have been accepted into a post-secondary or vocational institution.
Please email: with any questions.
Maureen Rodrigue Scholarship
One $1,400 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship will be based on financial need and volunteer service to students with special needs. Maureen was a well loved employee of Cony High School who passed away in 2011. Her family established this memorial scholarship to recognize one or more Cony High School graduating seniors who have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service to students with special needs at Cony High School.
Cony High School graduating senior who must have been accepted for admission to a post-secondary school and demonstrated outstanding volunteer service to students with special needs at Cony High School. Selection of recipient is made by the Scholarship Committee of Cony High School and the Rodrigue family.
No Application Required
Paula Baillargeon Memorial Scholarship
One $400 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
This scholarship is given in memory of one of our special Trustees who in 1991 became the first female President of the Foundation. She and her husband, Clem, devoted much energy to the success of the Foundation. Her family and friends established this memorial scholarship to recognize one student who has demonstrated outstanding volunteer service to school, church, and community.
Must be accepted into a baccalaureate degree program at an accredited post secondary school, and be a State of Maine resident, or blood relative of Paula Baillargeon
Rene & Constance Rodrigue Memorial Scholarship
Two scholarships of $1,500 were awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship will be based primarily on financial need.
Applicant must reside in Kennebec County, be a member of the graduating class of a local high school, and must be accepted for admission to an accredited post-secondary or vocational institution. Additionally, the applicant must be pursuing a field of study in one of the following areas: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, architecture, or engineering.
Please email: with any questions.
Robert G. Fuller, Jr. Scholarship
One scholarship of $23,750 was awarded in the 2024-25 school year, along with continued funding of the three previous recipients, at $23,750 each!
Mr. Robert Fuller is a local retired attorney who in the early years of the Foundation was on the Board of Directors and very involved in the Calumet Educational Foundation’s success. Mr. Fuller continues to donate to the Foundation annually. This scholarship has been in existence for a number of years, but recently the parameters of the scholarship have changed. This award is now a four year commitment on the part of Mr. Fuller.
Applicant must be a member of a graduating class of a local high school, reside in area code 04300 to 04399 at the time of application, and have demonstrated financial need and merit. The student must have been accepted for admission to a post-secondary college or university and be pursuing a full-time course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree.
Please email: with any questions.
Ron Cote Memorial Scholarship
A $900 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Ron Cote was a long-time resident of the area and employee of the United States Veterans Administration Center, Togus, who selflessly devoted much time to worthwhile causes.
This scholarship is awarded annually to a child or grandchild of a VA Maine Healthcare System Employee (Active or Retired), who is a graduating high school senior and has been accepted for a 2 or 4 year degree program, either academic or technical.
Please email with any questions.
St. Michael Parish Scholarship
A scholarship of $1,200 was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship came about because of the 2007 consolidation of area Catholic churches. As a result the Trustees subsequently approved the consolidation of two previously established scholarships. The St. Michael Scholarship award recognizes outstanding pastors such as Father Joyce. The award continues to be funded by donations from, and on behalf of, former pastors and parishoners.
Must be a registered member of St. Michael Parish, Augusta, Maine. Must be a member of a graduating class from any high school, and must be accepted for admission into a post secondary school.
Please email: with any questions.
Tony Violette Scholarship
One scholarship for $400 was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Tony Violette was President of Augusta Fuel Co. and Mayor of the City of Augusta. After his death, his wife decided to set up a scholarship in his name and donated a sum of money to finance the award.
Selection of Recipient is made by CATC Faculty Scholarship Committee to a graduating senior.
No Application Required
William P. & Gloria E. Fleming Scholarship
William P. & Gloria E. Fleming Scholarship
A $1,200 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
The scholarship will be based primarily on financial need.
Applicant must be a member of the graduating class of Cony High School, must be accepted for admission to an accredited post-secondary institution, and be pursuing a career in the medical field. Additionally, the applicant must have maintained at least a ‘B’ grade-point average for the duration of his/her high school career.
Please email: with any questions.
Scholarships for CollegeSophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Ernest J. Couture Memorial Scholarship
A $4,900 scholarship was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
This scholarship is named in memory of a World War I veteran who sacrificed his life on the battlefield in France. The scholarship is funded by generous donations of Ernest’s elder brother Cleo Couture and his beloved wife Alice Townsend Couture.
Must be a registered member of St. Michael Parish, Augusta, Maine, or a blood relative of Mr. Couture, and an entering sophomore, junior, or senior in college
Please email: with any questions.
Tony Violette Memorial Scholarship
One scholarship of $2,500 was awarded for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Tony Violette was President of Augusta Fuel Company and at one time was the Mayor of the City of Augusta. His wife and family are making this scholarship possible.
Must be a resident of the 04300 to 04399 zip code area
Must be a college student majoring in business or related course of study.
Please email: with any questions.
University of Maine at Augusta Scholarship
The last scholarship awarded was $500.
This scholarship is fully funded by the Calumet Educational Foundation. UMA staff makes the selection.
The applicant must be:
A UMA degree student entering the sophomore year or beyond;
Either a student minoring in French (preference) or majoring in government, public service, or a related course of study; and
Demonstrate need and merit.
No Application Required